The Ear, Speech, and Sound
Ear Anatomy
How We Hear
Understanding Audiograms
More on Audiograms/Sound
Speech Mechanism
Definitions of Terms
Resourceful Links


As parents of deaf or hard of hearing children, it is important to understand your child's hearing loss.  With increased knowledge of ear anatomy, sound, audiograms, and the speech mechanism, you will gain more knowledge and be an informed advocate for your own child. 
Understanding deafness can be scary and overwhelming at times. However, by  taking the time to educate yourself as much as possible surrounding these new concepts, you will have the ability to make educated and wise choices that best meet the needs of your deaf or hard of hearing child.
Remember, there is no one as qualified as yourself to support and love your child.
To navigate this site, please take the time to use the links on the navigation tool bar located on the left.  With this in mind, let's explore your child's deafness:  The Ear, Sound, and Speech....

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